Saturday, April 28, 2012

Do You Take An Aspirin A Day?

Do you take an aspirin a day and worry about the long term side effects? I have an alternative all natural solution. Dr. John Folts, Univ. of Wisconsin, developed the therapy of an aspirin a day and vitamin E for reducing the threat of heart disease. As this therapy has shown some negative side effects (gastrointestinal problems, glaucoma and the negation of aspirins benefit when adrenaline is introduced into the system), Dr. Folts looked into the positive affects of Grape Seed Extract with heart disease. Our company saw the benefit of grape seed extract and spent 17 years and millions of dollars testing and developing dozens of formulas, extracts and ingredients. The result is the most effective grape seed and grape skin extract in history and patented so you can only find it here. It has the power of 10,000 grapes in each bottle! Along with grape seed/skin extract, our product contains resveratrol, quercetin, green tea extract and bromelain.

What makes purple grapes so special? They are filled with a substance called phenolic compounds. These have an effect on the interior blood vessels unlike anything else. They also induce the release of nitric oxide within the blood. Nitric Oxide inhibits blood platelet activity, minimizing the buildup of arterial plaque and the consequent arterial blockage. An added benefit is that grapes have a positive effect on maintaining healthy blood pressure by encouraging endothelial relaxation. It lowers LDL cholesterol oxidation (2 times more effective than vitamin E), is 50% more effective than aspirin in reducing blood platelet activity (sticky platelets). It also has 8x's the antioxidant power of the average "super" juices tested. 

So, what would you rather take??

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